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Image by 1983 (steal my _ _ art)

GCSE Spanish

We are here to help you and your child give themselves the best chance of success.

  • Each course is custom-made to fit individual needs – an individual study plan is created for each student

  • One-to-one or small group (up to 5) – designed to help the students feel comfortable to ask questions they might not ask in a large classroom

  • Continuous teacher feedback reports are provided to help you track your/your child’s progress

  • Sessions can be held in school or online – afternoon and evening courses available

  • Courses available for Foundation Tier (grades 1–5) and Higher Tier (grades 4–9).

  • All tutors are qualified teachers and native Spanish speakers

  • Our aim is to help each student achieve their potential, to build confidence and develop exam technique

Spanish Language Courses provided by

Logo Ole

Core Content

Developing Skills

Reading and Listening

  • Understand general and specific details

  • Deduce meaning from a variety of source types

  • Recognise and respond to key information

Speaking and Writing

  • Communicate and interact effectively in speech and writing

  • Make appropriate and accurate use of a variety of vocabulary and grammatical structures

  • Make independent and creative use of the language

Themes Covered

Identity and Culture

  • Family

  • Hobbies and free-time activities

  • Technology

  • Spanish customs

Local, National, International and Global Areas of Interest

  • Social issues

  • Global issues

  • Tourism & travel

Current and Future Study and Employment

  • Education

  • Jobs

  • Career choices

At United World and Ole Spanish School, we believe that studying a modern foreign language broadens horizons, develops understanding of other cultures and helps our children build transferable skills such as confidence, communication, and problem solving.

Our tutors will help you/your children develop their desire and ability to communicate effectively with speakers of Spanish in both written and spoken language. We use a skills-based communicative approach to help maximise language immersion and develop communication strategies in a variety of contexts and for a variety of purposes. 

Course Options

Studying on the Grass

Group Lessons

Course Length

6 weeks (6 hours)






4.00 - 5.00 pm


Lesson Duration

60 minutes


Course Dates

Every Week



Class Size

Max. 6 students​



Age Group

14 - 16

*Lessons happen Monday to Friday. Your course days will depend on your level and/or preferences.

£97 (6 weeks)

Image by Zach Vessels

One to One

Course Length

Min. 10 hours​



You decide



You decide


Lesson Duration

60 minutes


Course Dates

Every Week



Class Size

One student



Age Group

14 - 16

You can choose how many lessons you would like to study per week and when and where you would like to have them - in school, online or in the comfort of your home.

£350 (10 hours)

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